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Curriculum Vitae

1990-1995        University Training in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Hamburg University

1994-1996        Scientific work at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

1995-1998        Doctoral thesis at Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen

1998-2002        Scientific work at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard
                         University, Cambridge, MA, USA

2002-2008        Group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
                         (MPI-CBG), Dresden

2008-now         Professor of Animal Physiology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
                         Sciences at Heinrich-Heine- University Duesseldorf

2011                 Offer of Professorship (W3) at the School of Medicine at the University of Technology
                         Munich (TUM)

2013-now         Director of the Institute of Beta Cell Biology at the German Diabetes Center as
                         secondary employment, Duesseldorf