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Publikationen 2011-2015

Jain D, Weber G, Eber­hard D, Mehana AE, Eglinger J, Wel­ters A, Bar­tosin­ska B, Jer­uschke K, Weiss J, Päth G, Ariga H, Seufert J, Lam­mert E. DJ-1 Pro­tects Pan­cre­atic Beta Cells from Cytokine-​ and Streptozotocin-​Mediated Cell Death. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 30; 10(9)

Mar­quard J, Otter S, Wel­ters A, Stir­ban A, Fis­cher A, Eglinger J, Here­bian D, Kletke O, Kle­men MS, Stožer A, Wnendt S, Piemonti L, Köhler M, Fer­rer J, Thorens B, Schliess F, Rup­nik MS, Heise T, Berggren PO, Klöcker N, Meiss­ner T, May­ate­pek E, Eber­hard D, Kragl M, Lam­mert E. Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of pan­cre­atic NMDA re­cep­tors as pos­si­ble drug tar­gets for di­a­betes treat­ment. Nat Med. 2015 Apr; 21(4):363-​72

Lecroisey C, Le Pétillon Y, Es­criva H, Lam­mert E, Laudet V. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, evo­lu­tion and ex­pres­sion of an insulin-​like pep­tide in the cephalo­chor­date Bran­chios­toma lance­o­la­tum. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 16; 10(3)

In't Veld P, Lam­mert E.The dark side of islet vas­cu­la­ture. Di­a­betolo­gia. 2015 Jan; 58(1):4-6

O'Neill KE, Thowfeequ S, Li WC, Eber­hard D, Dutton JR, Tosh D, Slack JM. Hepatocyte-​ductal trans­d­if­fer­en­ti­a­tion is me­di­ated by rec­i­p­ro­cal re­pres­sion of SOX9 and C/EBPα. Cell Re­pro­gram. 2014 Oct;16(5):314-​23

Ikels K, Kuschel S, Fis­cher J, Kaisers W, Eber­hard D, Rüther U. FTO is a rel­e­vant fac­tor for the de­vel­op­ment of the meta­bolic syn­drome in mice. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 21;9(8)

Neufeld S, Planas-​Paz L, Lam­mert E. Blood and lym­phatic vas­cu­lar tube for­ma­tion in mouse. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2014 Jul;31:115-​23

Planas-Paz L, Lammert E. Mechanosens­ing in de­vel­op­ing lym­phatic ves­sels. Adv Anat Em­bryol Cell Biol. 2014;214:23-40

Ak­inci E, Banga A, Tun­gatt K, Segal J, Eber­hard D, Dutton JR, Slack JM. Re­pro­gram­ming of var­i­ous cell types to a beta-​like state by Pdx1, Ngn3 and MafA. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 29;8(11)

Planas-​Paz L, Lam­mert E. Me­chan­i­cal forces in lym­phatic vas­cu­lar de­vel­op­ment and dis­ease. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Nov;70(22):4341-​54

Jain R, Jain D, Liu Q, Bar­tosin­ska B, Wang J, Schu­mann D, Kauschke SG, Eick­el­mann P, Piemonti L, Gray NS, Lam­mert E. Phar­ma­co­log­i­cal in­hi­bi­tion of Eph re­cep­tors en­hances glucose-​stimulated in­sulin se­cre­tion from mouse and human pan­cre­atic islets. Diabetologia. 2013 Jun;56(6):1350-5

Marquard J, Welters A, Buschmann T, Barthlen W, Vogelgesang S, Klee D, Krausch M, Raffel A, Otter S, Piemonti L, Mayatepek E, Otonkoski T, Lammert E, Meissner T. As­so­ci­a­tion of exercise-​induced hy­per­in­suli­naemic hy­po­gly­caemia with MCT1-​expressing in­suli­noma. Di­a­betolo­gia. 2013 Jan;56(1):31-5

Kragl M, Roen­sch K, Nüsslein I, Tazaki A, Taniguchi Y, Tarui H, Hayashi T, Agata K, Tanaka EM. Mus­cle and con­nec­tive tis­sue prog­en­i­tor pop­u­la­tions show dis­tinct Twist1 and Twist3 ex­pres­sion pro­files dur­ing ax­olotl limb re­gen­er­a­tion. Dev Biol. 2013 Jan 1;373(1):196-​204

Zeeb M, Axnick J, Planas-​Paz L, Hart­mann T, Strilic B, Lam­mert E. Phar­ma­co­log­i­cal ma­nip­u­la­tion of blood and lym­phatic vas­cu­lar­iza­tion in ex vivo-​cultured mouse em­bryos. Nat Pro­toc. 2012 Nov;7(11):1970-​82.

Kragl M, Lam­mert E. Cal­cineurin/NFATc sig­nal­ing: role in post­na­tal β cell de­vel­op­ment and di­a­betes mel­li­tus. Dev Cell. 2012 Jul 17;23(1)

Jain D, Jain R, Eber­hard D, Eglinger J, Bugliani M, Piemonti L, Mar­che­tti P, Lam­mert E. Age- and diet-dependent requirement of DJ-1 for glucose homeostasis in mice with implications for human type 2 diabetes J Mol Cell Biol. 2012 Aug;4(4):221-​30

Axnick J, Lam­mert E. Vas­cu­lar lumen for­ma­tion. Curr Opin Hema­tol. 2012 May;19(3):192-8

Lam­mert E, Axnick J. Vas­cu­lar lumen for­ma­tion. Cold Spring Harb Per­spect Med. 2012 Apr;2(4)

Planas-Paz L, Strilić B, Goedecke A, Breier G, Fässler R, Lammert E. Mechanoin­duc­tion of lymph ves­sel ex­pan­sion. EMBO J. 2012 Feb 15;31(4):788-​804

Bos FL, Caunt M, Peterson-​Maduro J, Planas-​Paz L, Kowal­ski J, Karpa­nen T, van Impel A, Tong R, Ernst JA, Ko­rv­ing J, van Es JH, Lam­mert E, Duckers HJ, Schulte-Merker S. CCBE1 is es­sen­tial for mam­malian lym­phatic vas­cu­lar de­vel­op­ment and en­hances the lym­phan­gio­genic ef­fect of vas­cu­lar en­dothe­lial growth factor-​C in vivo. Circ Res. 2011 Aug 19;109(5):486-​91

Bürgers AC, Lam­mert E. Ex­traery­thro­cytic hemoglobin-​-a pos­si­ble oxy­gen trans­porter in human ma­lig­nant tu­mors. Med Hy­pothe­ses. 2011 Oct;77(4):580-3
